8.5″ x 11″ Mixed Media on Board



Why circles? Why do I paint so many circles? Is it because they are the perfect shape? Is it because they are infinite? We have circles of friends. Everything comes full circle. Circle of life. Perfect circle. Inner Circle. 360 degrees in a circle. Walk around in circles. Circle circle circle. It doesn’t sound like a word anymore. Circle.



12″ x 18″ Mixed Media on Wood


I haven’t seen your face before, but you are the most beautiful person in the world. I’ve yet to hear you make a sound, but cannot wait to listen to what you’ll have to say.  I don’t know yet what you want, but I know you will have dreams. I don’t know what you’ll need, but I’ll give you everything. I cannot wait to take your little hands into the palms of mine. I cannot wait to love you until the end of time.




11″ x 15″ Sharpie & Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper


Gaze upon me now
A desperate soul for all time
Bound forever to this barren land… desolate
My spirit has been pierced
So crucify if you must
But just recall it’s in your creed
Not to judge
Crucify me, I am the pierced spirit
Crucify me, for I know that you must
You must   ~The Pierced Spirit, Iced Earth

FouR YeaRS


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


I remember when I felt it. BOOM! It hit me so hard right upside my head. I never saw someone so beautiful. I never knew that feeling existed. After a while of getting to know her more I felt it again. BOOM! This time it was stronger. This time it hit harder. This time it meant more than what I had seen on the surface. The effects of it have been rippling through time ever since. Over smooth surfaces and over rocks. Over the moon, around the sun and back. It has weathered storms. It has grown through the worst of times. It has flourished through the best of them. BOOM! Can you see it? BOOM! Can you feel it? BOOM! It has been well over four years in the making, but today I celebrate these past four with her. I love you Nicole… with a BOOM!



8.5″ x 11″ Mixed Media on Silk Screen


Did you know that Bob’s middle name wasn’t Nesta?  Did you know that when he was born his father was 60 years old and his mother was only 16 years old?  Did you know that his father was a white man?  Did you know Bob died when he was 36 years old?  His last words to his oldest son David “Ziggy” Marley were “Money can’t buy life.”  Did you know that Bob’s name wasn’t Bob?  It wasn’t Robert.  It was Nesta.  Nesta Robert Marley.  If you haven’t see the new Marley movie by Kevin Macdonald it is out on DVD.  Totally worth watching for people who know nothing about Bob, casual fans and huge fans like me.  Long live Nesta!



18″ x 24″ Aerosol on Oak Tag


Here’s a fact:  Shibuya Crossing in Japan is the busiest crosswalk in the entire world.  It has been estimated that 2.4 million people use it everyday.  Another fact:  I’ve used it a few times too.  When Nicole and I were teaching in Japan we would take the train into Tokyo on the weekend to walk around and hangout.  It was so busy.  People flying around in every direction.  Being in that intersection would be the death of a claustrophobic person.  I know it might sound strange, but if you ever go to Japan you’ve got to go to Shibuya just to cross the street.  Oh, and the sushi and ramen noodle houses are great too.  Kanpai!!! 

PLaCe FRuiT HeRe











Let me introduce you to Bowl.  So, I’m over at my mom’s house about to leave and she’s like oh hey, do you want this bowl for your project?  She pulls out this bowl that I had made back in college that I never finished.  It was just this raw thing waiting for new skin.  I was like sure, I’ll take that back and make it look a little nicer.  It can be part of the project.  This is Bowl.  Say hello…

oVeR THe MooN



11″ x 15″ Sharpies on Watercolor Paper


She kept trying and trying and every single day was a hurdle.  Some days were good and others were not so good, but it didn’t stop her.  Anything that was thrown across her path she felt like she could handle.  She knew that with each challenge met there would only be strength to gain.  Then one day it all got a little bit easier.  One day she was set free.  One day she grew wings and she learned how to fly.  One day…











24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

You could feel it as you walked through the city.  There was this sort of buzz in the air.  Everyone was talking about it in some way.  Everyone was going to be there.  The max capacity would not hold the amount of people that wanted to see his work.  Some of them would have to peek in through the windows.  There was wine and hors d’oeuvres, lots of conversation and praise.  It was electric in a way.  When the night was over every piece had been sold.  Everyone was happy.  Then… I woke up.







14″ x 28″ Vinyl on Wood

We went to a peace rally once when we were in Japan.  There were these columns set up with paper wrapped around them and markers for people to draw and write their thoughts on peace.  I snapped this picture of two ladies in kimonos at one of the drawing stations.  Now they have become part of a different movement.




18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Oak Tag


Ever feel like you’ll be in traffic so long you’ll end up sleeping in your car for the night? Think about this the next time you’re stuck in traffic. What a waste…

The Texas Transportation Institute estimated that, in 2000, the 75 largest metropolitan areas experienced 3.6 billion vehicle-hours of delay, resulting in 5.7 billion U.S. gallons (21.6 billion liters) in wasted fuel and $67.5 billion in lost productivity, or about 0.7% of the nation’s GDP. It also estimated that the annual cost of congestion for each driver was approximately $1,000 in very large cities and $200 in small cities. Traffic congestion is increasing in major cities and delays are becoming more frequent in smaller cities and rural areas.

By late 2010, the five cities in the United States with the worst rush hour traffic congestion were New York City, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles  ~New York Times. 2010-11-24



18″ x 18″ Mixed Media on Wood

“We felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy, and how you ended up knowing which colors went together. We knew that the girls were our twins, that we all existed in space like animals with identical skins, and that they knew everything about us though we couldn’t fathom them at all. We knew, finally, that the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them.”   ~ Jeffrey EugenidesThe Virgin Suicides



8.5″ x 12″ Mixed Media on Wood


Sometimes when you go to Ikea you buy furniture or decorations.  Maybe something functional for the kitchen or office is what you need.  I needed none of the above.  I was actually there and didn’t need anything, but it’s Ikea and you don’t leave there empty handed.  I bought 400 straws and made this.  I still have more straws left over as you can see.  So, maybe another straw piece is looming in the future.








36″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


The voices in my head are shadows, shadows. She comes to me, to tell me what they’re after. Says it ain’t the end boy but you best be careful, careful. Might catch your tail end in a circle, circle. The ocean how she moves in ripples, ripples. In flashing lights I swear she wore old film then the color bleeds and she becomes an angel, angel, hmmm. Calls out to me like a siren to a scoundrel. And I say come on child, and I say come on child.
The blanket where she hides my virgin lights look to the sea where the cotton hits the turnpike. Staring at your knees but I don’t have the words right, words right now. If up to me my maker turned right, turned right. Lost another one but she still smiles, smiles. Black lava rocks and instead she sees for miles says she wants, oh wants to.
Stay a child, child right now. And wonders why we ever ever have to die. And I say come on child and I say come on child. Just a touch I’m gonna carry, carry. Another time where I probably shared the same life. The accent of a kiss whispers we’re married, married now. It’s either love or just the sun in my eyes and I say come on child. And I say come on child. Love love love love love…
~ Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros CHILD

WHaT iT iS





Hey what’s up?  I haven’t seen ya in a while.  Yeah, I know I’ve been busy taking pictures.  Pictures?  Yeah pictures.  Do they even like pictures?  I don’t know.  I think they’re more into the handmade stuff, stuff I’ve created ya know.  Paintings ‘n’ drawings ‘n’ stuff like that?  Yeah.  Well why don’t ya give ’em what they want?  I will, I just got one more photo from the Tybee Island trip to post tomorrow.  Okay, I’ll be looking for the good stuff next week.  Don’t worry, I’ve got a few pieces that I think will touch some souls.  Wow, that’s deep, do you think I look good in gold?