48″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Burlap



We never had much money growing up.  My brothers and I had to be on the reduced lunch plan at school.  One time we didn’t even have oil to heat the house on Christmas.  I got mad once because I hated the factory job she had to work.  But now, none of that stuff really ever mattered.  We had each other.  We had our health.  We had our mama’s “quilt” wrapped around us so tight that nothing could hurt us.  So, tomorrow don’t forget to pay tribute to mom.  I love you mom…



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Canvas



The guitar is a musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles.  That sentence can be found on numerous websites that have info or pictures about guitars.  Guitar even has its own Facebook page:  Guitar    There is something about the sounds of a guitar that I love.  Maybe it goes back to listening to my avô (grandfather) playin’ his string instruments.  There’s something about the acoustic sound that penetrates my soul.



10″ x 12″ Mixed Media on Canvas


The water just kept on rising.  We got to the dock just in time.  It held strong as we stood and watched.  You could see parts of houses, cars and life floating by.  Eventually the water was stained red.  I just closed my eyes and hoped that I was dreaming.

FLyiN’ By


16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas



The fly.  The jelly.  The Jelly Fly.  Is it a creature?  Is it a new dance?  I think it’s a band.  Yeah, a friend of a friend say he saw them and they were pretty good.  Naw man, I recon tha Jelly Fly is a new lure dat’s out right ’bout now fo’ fishin’.  I thought it was a brand of hair gel.  I guess I could be wrong.



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Paper



Sometime you’ve got to.  But I like the smell of fresh cut grass more.  Smell the roses.  It doesn’t do it for me.  Just do it.  Nothing.  Nothing?  Yeah, I still think the grass is better.  Whatevs!  It’s nothing personal and it’s just a saying anyways?  What?  Yeah, really…

So SaD


10″ x 18″ Mixed Media on Canvas



Why must he cry those lonely tears?  Why does it have to be so hard?  You can see the pain in his face as she walks out the door.  You can see the love that he has pouring out onto the floor.  He bled for her.  He fought for her.  He loved her.  He will always love her…



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


This one is kinda cool.  Not that it is one of my favorites that I have made so far, but because it is on video.  Yes, that’s right.  Click here for the time lapse:  Olive Loaf Time Lapse.  Olive Loaf is brought to you by Kevin Lee Studios.

DoN’T HaTe Me


24″ x 24″ Watercolor on Wood



He gave her the only thing in this world that means anything.  She tossed it on the floor like a dead squid.  Now she’s mad at him for being mad at her.  She said she was sorry.  He believes her, but wants to let her sweat it out a little first before accepting her apology.

i MeaNT To Do THaT


11″ x 15″ Mixed Media on Watercolor Paper



This is not what I wanted to draw.  This is not what I wanted to paint.  Or is it?  Is it the other way around?  This is what I wanted to draw.  This is what I wanted to paint.  I don’t know which I wanted to do or not do, but this is what I came up with.



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Canvas



This is a test of the lines and dots system.  First I dropped down some verticals.  Then I crossed over them horizontally.  The grid looked pretty good by itself, but needed a little more.  I put a peg board on top of it and dragged red paint over the board.  This let the red settle into position to finish off Lines & Dots.



30″ x 44″ Mixed Media on Canvas


Where have all of our April showers been?  I know it is early in the spring, but this is a Late Spring Storm.  It’s got nothing on the storms hitting the Midwest right now.  My prayers go out to everyone affected by the tornadoes.  Stay safe and be strong.