LiFe DaY 1


11″ x 15″ Pen & Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper



We only get one while we’re here and we can’t even remember most of the beginning parts.  What was I thinking about when I was in those first few years?  How were all of these things around me shaping the person I am today?  There are such high hopes for you when you are brand new.  Did my mother know that when she gave me a piece of paper and a box of crayons that it would turn into this?

STaTe oF My MiND


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper



What is everyone so worried about?  Life?  Life goes on and on and on and…  Think about the hardest part of your day today and realize it isn’t really that hard at all.  Someone out there has got it way worse than you do.  People are dying of hunger while others honk their horns in line at the drive-thru because the service isn’t fast enough.  Back off the horn and calm down a little.  Calm is a state of mind, the state of my mine.

oN THe iNSiDe


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor



We all go through some good times and some bad times.  We all have a story to tell.  We all build the world around us to fit to our vision of how life should be.  We are all capable of greatness.  What happens based on our decisions is left to the world to decide.  Who do you want to be?  What are your dreams?  What is your story?  Wake up and live…

FouND You


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor


Hello love, I’m so glad I found you.  You’ve been hiding on me for a while.  I hope you stick around this time, because I really like it when you’re here.  I know you’ve got a lot of people to take care of in this world and you’re doing such a great job at it.  I just hope we’re all doing good… at taking care of you.



11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor Paper



It will call you.  I heard it about a week after my first trip to Hawai’i.  It is still there and probably always will be. It’s the call of the waves.  I can’t surf. I can get up on a board and catch waves, but I’m like a baby taking its first steps.  There is nothing smooth about it when I’m out there.  But I still love it.  I love every moment in the ocean.  The waves, the beach and the sun… that is where I want to be.



11″ x 15″ Marker & Pen on Watercolor Paper



I know you’ve seen these little birds on a canvas already, but I had to finish off the sketch.  Not to mention, I think these guys are pretty cool and I love the song.  So, I hope you all have a good day and if anything is bothering you maybe it really isn’t that big of a deal.



11″ x 12″ Mixed Media on Wood



Babylon is all around us.  It is the government.  It is the various systems that are in place trying to govern our existence to fit certain molds.  Consumerism, material wealth, politricks, money and more, are these the things that really matter today?  They were put in place to put the people in their place.  Chant dem down!  Sing the songs of revolution and inform the people that we do not need these systems.  We need to live off the land and be free!  Chant dem down!  Don’t be a victim of the system anymore.  Chant dem down with the sounds of reggae music!  Jah Live!

i aM THe RooSTeR

mijumiguese ROOSTER

8.5″ x 11″ Marker on Water Color Paper



I am mijumi.  I am half Portuguese.  mijumiguese Rooster is all of me and half of Portuguese.  I know my relatives loved the Portuguese Rooster painting I gave away at our family Christmas party and wanted to show them another version.  What do ya guys think?  I’ve got a few more ideas on tap in the rooster realm.


He WaS oNLy 27






8.5″ x 11″ Mixed Media on Water Color Paper


I had just finished watching Jean-Michel Basquiat The Radiant Child by Tamara Davis and I had to make something as soon as it was over.  I made a pair of tribute sneakers in Baquiat’s honor in my first week and now had to try my hand at his style.  Most people hate it.  They look at it and scream that it is not art.  But what is art?  Personally I love his work and am a huge fan of his.  Maybe my next attempt will be in his style, but on a much larger scale like the way he worked.  I even let my 2 year old niece (Grace) throw down some lines on this one.



8.5″ x 11″ Sharpie on Water Color Paper



I’ve been carrying my sketch pad around a lot lately.  So, while at Panera Bread I decided to try and draw something in the time it took to finish my coffee.  This bunch of scribbles is what I came up with.  Don’t let the Mookie in the corner fool you, it’s one of my nicknames.  Oh yeah… don’t forget to change your clocks, unless the “world” has already done it for you.


aRe You SLeePy?






Digital Image of Drawing and Photo

I was planning on using these 2 images on 2 different days, but thought it might be more interesting if they were combined.  I based my drawing off of a model’s picture online and I took the photo while in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica.  Combined I think they make a great statement. I just don’t know what it is.

Do You VooDoo?


9″ x 12″ Marker & Pen



Don’t worry… about a thing… cuz every little thing… gonna be alright.  Even as a voodoo style drawing Mr. Marley still looks pretty cool.  Listening to his music gets me thinking about what I want my “legacy” to be.  What will I leave behind for people to remember me by when I’m gone?  Maybe that is what this project is about.  It’s allowing me to tap into my creativity and leave some sort of lasting impression and/or inspiration to people.  Only Time Will Tell


GoiNG uP

UP and UP

8.5″ x 11″ Marker on Watercolor Paper



Those of you that are familiar with Keith Haring will probably think that this drawing resembles his work.  Those of you that like his work will probably like this drawing.  Those of you that are still reading this are probably wondering how many more times I will write “those of you” or “probably” in this paragraph.  I’ll probably only write those of you this last time.