9″ x 12″ Digital Image



Walk by my side, not ahead, not behind.  Stand in love with me forever and I promise I’ll do the same.  We were brought together by the universe for a reason.  With fires lit to brighten each other’s paths.  You are the one I’ve found in the past, have found in this present and will find again in the future.  Our life cycles will always meet and our love will live forever.  We will create the most beautiful fire that time has ever known.

FouND You


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor


Hello love, I’m so glad I found you.  You’ve been hiding on me for a while.  I hope you stick around this time, because I really like it when you’re here.  I know you’ve got a lot of people to take care of in this world and you’re doing such a great job at it.  I just hope we’re all doing good… at taking care of you.







24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

I’m beginning to believe I am obsessed with circles.  Have I said that before?  They are the perfect shape though, aren’t they?  They’re continuous and never ending.  Maybe that is why I use them so often.  I would like my work to be that way.



11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor Paper



It will call you.  I heard it about a week after my first trip to Hawai’i.  It is still there and probably always will be. It’s the call of the waves.  I can’t surf. I can get up on a board and catch waves, but I’m like a baby taking its first steps.  There is nothing smooth about it when I’m out there.  But I still love it.  I love every moment in the ocean.  The waves, the beach and the sun… that is where I want to be.

GiRaFFe + DooR


24″ x 84″ Mixed Media on Door

A skinny tall door was the perfect place for this giraffe like pattern.  So, Giraffadoor was born.  I like painting on doors now.  They are a good size canvas and there are always people on Craig’s List getting rid of them.  If anyone has any extra doors layin’ around let me know.



48″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Burlap



We never had much money growing up.  My brothers and I had to be on the reduced lunch plan at school.  One time we didn’t even have oil to heat the house on Christmas.  I got mad once because I hated the factory job she had to work.  But now, none of that stuff really ever mattered.  We had each other.  We had our health.  We had our mama’s “quilt” wrapped around us so tight that nothing could hurt us.  So, tomorrow don’t forget to pay tribute to mom.  I love you mom…



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Canvas



The guitar is a musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles.  That sentence can be found on numerous websites that have info or pictures about guitars.  Guitar even has its own Facebook page:  Guitar    There is something about the sounds of a guitar that I love.  Maybe it goes back to listening to my avô (grandfather) playin’ his string instruments.  There’s something about the acoustic sound that penetrates my soul.



10″ x 12″ Mixed Media on Canvas


The water just kept on rising.  We got to the dock just in time.  It held strong as we stood and watched.  You could see parts of houses, cars and life floating by.  Eventually the water was stained red.  I just closed my eyes and hoped that I was dreaming.

FLyiN’ By


16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas



The fly.  The jelly.  The Jelly Fly.  Is it a creature?  Is it a new dance?  I think it’s a band.  Yeah, a friend of a friend say he saw them and they were pretty good.  Naw man, I recon tha Jelly Fly is a new lure dat’s out right ’bout now fo’ fishin’.  I thought it was a brand of hair gel.  I guess I could be wrong.



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Paper



Sometime you’ve got to.  But I like the smell of fresh cut grass more.  Smell the roses.  It doesn’t do it for me.  Just do it.  Nothing.  Nothing?  Yeah, I still think the grass is better.  Whatevs!  It’s nothing personal and it’s just a saying anyways?  What?  Yeah, really…

So SaD


10″ x 18″ Mixed Media on Canvas



Why must he cry those lonely tears?  Why does it have to be so hard?  You can see the pain in his face as she walks out the door.  You can see the love that he has pouring out onto the floor.  He bled for her.  He fought for her.  He loved her.  He will always love her…



11″ x 15″ Marker & Pen on Watercolor Paper



I know you’ve seen these little birds on a canvas already, but I had to finish off the sketch.  Not to mention, I think these guys are pretty cool and I love the song.  So, I hope you all have a good day and if anything is bothering you maybe it really isn’t that big of a deal.

THiS oLD HouSe


9″ x 12″ Digital Image



I like to think that I try to find the best in everyone and everything.  I do not judge right from the get go.  i believe this helps me to see the beauty in certain things that other people might just pass by.  This picture is from what some might call a run down area.  I just love the colors and the simplicity of the place though.  Some of us don’t need a mansion and a boatload of material wealth to feel right.  If my friends and family are happy and healthy then I am rich in life.