24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

We’re going streaking!  Sorry, sorry, we’re goin’ streaking through the quad and then to the gymnasium.  Come on everybody!  Come on! Snoop!  Snoop-a-loop! Snoop…uh, no, it’s cool!  It’s cool!  I’m cool, bring your green hat.  Let’s go!  Come on everybody we’re goin!  – Frank the Tank


NoT a FLoWeR


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

You get in the way.  They call you ugly.  You ruin things.  They don’t give you a chance.  You don’t belong here.  They rip out your being.  Be strong.  Stand tall.  Hold on.  You are here for a reason.  They don’t see it, but you know it and that’s all that matters.

oDe To THe SToRM



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


It is not known exactly what causes the Great Red Spot’s reddish color. Theories supported by laboratory experiments suppose that the color may be caused by complex organic molecules, red phosphorus, or yet another sulfur compound. The Great Red Spot (GRS) varies greatly in hue, from almost brick-red to pale salmon, or even white. The reddest central region is slightly warmer than the surroundings, which is the first evidence that the Spot’s color is affected by environmental factors.  The spot occasionally disappears from the visible spectrum, becoming evident only through the Red Spot Hollow, which is its niche in the South Equatorial Belt. The visibility of GRS is apparently coupled to the appearance of the SEB; when the belt is bright white, the spot tends to be dark, and when it is dark, the spot is usually light.  ~Jupiter

WHeRe You GoIN’


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

This painting started out in typical mijumi fashion.  Circle, circle, dot, dot and a few splashes here and there.  But I didn’t like the end result.  I took a thin piece of wood and dragged it across the painting while it was still wet.  Then added in some more circles and lines.  Sometimes you have to change what you’ve made to make something better.

HaVe Ya SeeN Mi







24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


Flip-flops.  Boi have ya seen mi flip-flops?  Da ones dat came in dis shoe box?  Da box dat mi rip de top off.  Cuz de top, I mek it pop-off.  When I tek off and start upon mi walk.  Down to de beach and den I stop.  Chat up mi friend ’bout wot gonna blast off.  Tonite is de nite of de jump-off.  Where ya see dat gal who ’bout to pop-off.  She get close up and no goin’ to back off.  So ya go to de place te get ya rock off.  And next ting ya know she dun tek off.  And ya stuck all alone wit’ no flip-flops… wit’ no flip-flops… wit’ no flip-flops…

Do You See C u






24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

For some reason some of my paintings remind me of storms.  Snow storms or rain storms either gently falling flakes or with drops fiercely exploding.  I liked the colors in the Radiating Beauty painting and got pretty good feed back so, I wanted to try something different with similar colors.  I used some half circle tubes in this one.  That’s where the C and U come from.  The storm is coming…

i LoVe THe 80’s


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

Gremlins, Goonies & Ghostbusters.  Growing Pains, Punky Brewster & Voltron.  Hammer Pants, tight rolled jeans & Jams shorts.  Samba Classics, white high-top sneakers & Patrick Ewings.  Getting a flat-top with a fade, lines on the sides & shaving the Nike flight symbol into the back of my head.  Those were the 80’s for me.  What were yours…?



mijumi Painter T

Mixed Media on Fabric


It’s crazy what a plain white t-shirt ends up looking like after a month or so of painting in it.  It would be kinda cool if it could end up like this one, but that would be a challenge.  I actually just took the shirt and laid it over one of my paintings while it was still wet.  If you are good at recognizing images you might know what painting the pattern on this shirt is from.  Can you guess which one?  Answer



14″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Fabric



This piece is from my original “smock” that I began painting in for the year-long project.  I was going to toss is, but saw something in it that I thought was cool.  People marching.  I don’t know what they are marching for or where they are going.  Are they freedom fighters or revolutionaries?  Maybe it’s an exercise class?  I don’t know, but I know they are there and have had my back all along as this thing has gathered steam and rolls on.



12″ x 24″ Mixed Media on PVC


L’effet d’ondulation est un terme qui est utilisé décrire une situation où, comme les ondulations jamais grandissantes à travers l’eau quand un objet est tombé dans lui, un effet d’un état initial peut être suivi en dehors cumulatifement.  I thought that this looked nicer in French.  Here is the translation.



16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas



We were driving cross-country and were in the middle of no where and saw it.  There it was standing in a field all alone and away from the others.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  There is no way this is real.  How the… what the…  Have you ever heard of this before?  No!  One of us googled it, plaid cow, but there was nothing.  There was nothing online about it, there was nobody around to ask.  There was just the strange cow all alone in the field.



24″ x 36″ Mixed Media on Foam Board


The chicken or the egg?  The Plant or the seed?  In Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as other Dharmic religions, there is the belief of the wheel of time which regards time as cyclical and with repeating ages.  Their idea of time gives a different answer to the question of “who is first.”  The concept of eternal return, which indicates that there is repetition of time. The assumption is that time is eternally repetitive, and therefore, there is no “first” in eternity; there is no creation. The answer then becomes: neither the egg/seed nor the chicken/plant is first. There is no “first” in a cyclical view of time.  Chicken or the Egg

FeeLiN’ FiNe


11″ x 15″ Pen & Primacolors on Watercolor Paper



The name of this piece is brought to you by my co-worker/friend Seth.  I was scanning it when he came over and that was the first thing that came to his head when he saw it.  So, What A Dandy it is.  Hope today is a dandy for everyone else as well.  Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!

TaKe a LiTTLe TRiP






mijumi TRIP T

Mixed Media on Fabric


If you’ve seen some of the photos on the site then you might recognize this shirt.  It is my original painting t-shirt from when the project began back in January.  Well, it has now been retired and immortalized on the front of another shirt.  Hand stitched by mijumi himself.  Don’t ask me to hem your pants though.