PieCeS oF WHaT


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


When the world has turned     Paralyzed and wrong     Cold-blooded claws never offer     Anything at all     Past the point of love     Shattered and untied     Waiting to pick up the pieces     That make it out alright     But pieces of what?    Pieces of what     Pieces of what doesn’t matter anymore     Moonlight on my floor     Shining through the roof     They got the city surrounded     As if I needed proof I forgot my fear…  Feel it’s on the rise…  Buried by all of the pieces…  Falling from the sky      But pieces of what?    Pieces of what     Pieces of what doesn’t matter anymore     ~MGMT

i MaKe STuFF


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

I am not the best artist of this generation.  I am not the worst artist of this generation.  I am just an artist that is part of this generation.  I am just an artist that makes what he feels at that point in time.  I am not the one who will be the judge of my work.  People will say they like my work.  People will say they hate my work.  Either way it doesn’t matter in the end.  What will matter is that I did something true to my heart & soul.  What will matter is that I did something that made me happy.  What will matter is that I tried, I gave my mind & time to something I love.  I gave my heart & soul, my mind & time, my love… I was here & I did something with my life…  ~mijumi



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Canvas


Do you think we’re the only ones out here?  Is there life out in this universe other than on Earth?  Are the Mayans right?  Who will save us?  Is there a parallel universe where anything you dream can happen?  Would you want to go there?  If you could meet the you from another planet would you want to?  What if you didn’t like the you you met?  Do you think heaven is real?  Is it out there in the space?  Do you think we get to come back?  Would you do it over the same way?  Do you like the you that you have become?



7″ x 15″ Mixed Media Sculpture


Art is the fatal net which catches these strange moments on the wing like mysterious butterflies, fleeing the innocence and distraction of common men. ~Giorgio de Chirico
All things truly wicked start from innocence. ~Ernest Hemingway



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Canvas

If me want, me no really crave. Can’t want. Because where me grow, me know everything you could want. Stones was my toys and trees and bush and flowers. They were my toys. So I don’t grow up and want things. Is millions of stones used to be around me, and me used to go play amongst the flowers and them, and play as a little youth; and so me grow up loving the hills more than the things of want. Because want is just the things you want that people make; so I really want nothing.  ~Bob Marley







24″ x 48″  Mixed Media on Wood



Barcelos is a town in Portugal. The town’s famous symbol is a rooster, in Portuguese called o galo de Barcelos (“the Rooster of Barcelos“). There is a legend associated with this rooster. One of the many versions of this legend goes that a rich man threw a big party. When the party was over, the rich man noticed that his sterling cutlery was stolen by a guest. He accused a pilgrim and let him go to court. He protested his innocence, but the judge didn’t believe him. The judge was about to eat a roasted rooster when the pilgrim said: “If I am innocent, this rooster will crow three times.” When the pilgrim was about to be lynched, the rooster crowed. The judge released the pilgrim. The story ends a few years later when the pilgrim returned and made a statue of the event. Now the rooster can be found in just about every home where you’ll find a Portuguese person.



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

What if I…?  How could she…?  Maybe I should have…?  Why don’t we…?  Don’t fret.  Don’t let… all of these questions that get.  Stuck in your head for days and days.  Eat away at your mind in so many different ways.  How can your thoughts become your own worst enemy?  Where do we go when it’s all over?  How do I get back to the sea?  How will this all turn out?  Who am I supposed to be?  All of these questions keep comin’ back around.  All of these questions can bring me to the ground.  Why?

THe DoCToR iS iN


24″ x 36″ Vinyl on PVC



Dr. Teeth is the keyboard player and gravelly-voiced leader of the band Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem.  He is a muppet.  If you have to ask what a muppet is… then we can’t be friends.  If you don’t know, now ya know…  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Teeth-The-Electric-Mayhem/46505769651

THIS PIECE HAS BEEN DONATED TO:  http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1013287&supid=267998474



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

I am not, I am not going to stand on the wall.  I will dance, I will dance, I will break that a** off.  And I see you in the corner, corner looking so small.  Doing the robot like if I die tonight at least I went hard.  I will not, I will not give a damn who watches me.  I will live, I will live liberate the fox in me.  I will be the disco-ball, freak and give my all.  And we danced, and we cried.  And we laughed and had a really, really, really good time.  Take my hand, let’s have a blast.  And remember this moment for the rest of our lives.  ~ Macklemore


oNe HeaRT



16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas

Thanks again to everyone for being a part of this project.  I appreciate all the love and good vibes that have come along since it started.  Here is the first piece for the start of another fast six months to come.  One love, one heart… Let’s get together and feel all right… Enjoy!

HeRe We Go Yo


7″ x 16″ Mixed Media on Wood

Flower Flow yo, Flower Flow yo.  So what so what so what’s the scenario.  Flower Flow yo, Flower Flow yo.  So what so what so what’s the scenario.  Aiyyo, mijumi knows this (what?) and mijumi knows that (what?).  mijumi don’t know jack, cause mijumi can’t rap.  Well whaddya know?  The Flower is first up to bat.  No batteries included and no strings attached.  Flow holds barred, no time for move fakin’. Gots to get the loot so I can make some more paintin’.  Others front, they say the Flower can’t Flow.  But mijumi’s been known to do the impossible like Tim Tebow so…  ~ mijumi version of Tribe Called Quest



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

We’re going streaking!  Sorry, sorry, we’re goin’ streaking through the quad and then to the gymnasium.  Come on everybody!  Come on! Snoop!  Snoop-a-loop! Snoop…uh, no, it’s cool!  It’s cool!  I’m cool, bring your green hat.  Let’s go!  Come on everybody we’re goin!  – Frank the Tank


NoT a FLoWeR


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

You get in the way.  They call you ugly.  You ruin things.  They don’t give you a chance.  You don’t belong here.  They rip out your being.  Be strong.  Stand tall.  Hold on.  You are here for a reason.  They don’t see it, but you know it and that’s all that matters.

oDe To THe SToRM



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


It is not known exactly what causes the Great Red Spot’s reddish color. Theories supported by laboratory experiments suppose that the color may be caused by complex organic molecules, red phosphorus, or yet another sulfur compound. The Great Red Spot (GRS) varies greatly in hue, from almost brick-red to pale salmon, or even white. The reddest central region is slightly warmer than the surroundings, which is the first evidence that the Spot’s color is affected by environmental factors.  The spot occasionally disappears from the visible spectrum, becoming evident only through the Red Spot Hollow, which is its niche in the South Equatorial Belt. The visibility of GRS is apparently coupled to the appearance of the SEB; when the belt is bright white, the spot tends to be dark, and when it is dark, the spot is usually light.  ~Jupiter

WHeRe You GoIN’


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

This painting started out in typical mijumi fashion.  Circle, circle, dot, dot and a few splashes here and there.  But I didn’t like the end result.  I took a thin piece of wood and dragged it across the painting while it was still wet.  Then added in some more circles and lines.  Sometimes you have to change what you’ve made to make something better.