i See You


8.5″ x 11″ Pen on Paper & Digital Image

I was sitting and relaxing in the hotel room in Asheville, NC after filming a wedding and staring at this picture on the wall from across the room.  I knew it was a picture of flowers, but from where I was sitting I saw something much different.  I saw a monkey.  So, I start sketching him out.  The petals were his ear & leg and the space between the petals were his eyes & body.  I still see him in the flowers every time I look.

aRe You SLeePy?






Digital Image of Drawing and Photo

I was planning on using these 2 images on 2 different days, but thought it might be more interesting if they were combined.  I based my drawing off of a model’s picture online and I took the photo while in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica.  Combined I think they make a great statement. I just don’t know what it is.

TaKe iT eaSY


4″ x 5.5″ Inkjet Print over Sheet Metal



I haven’t posted any photos yet and thought this would be a good place to start.  Some of you may recognize this photo from our (Nicole & me) Costa Rica trip.  I made a print on clear vinyl and applied it to a piece of sheet metal.  It gives it a vintage feel which I love.  I just want to sit in that chair with a coffee and a book and relax for the rest of the morning.



8.5″ x 11″  Digital Image of Drawing and Background

This is something new I’m trying.  Every once in a while I’m going to check out my fans pages and see if there is anything I can grab ideas from.  This is my first attempt at it from a profile picture.  Thank you Ms. Garcia for the inspiration.  If you’re reading I hope you enjoy this.




Digital Image of Drawing & Photo


I’m really getting into making these faces.  I love that they are simple shapes all meshed together to create something.  It’s kind of how Chuck Close works.  By no means am I comparing myself to Chuck.  His work is simple shapes up close and then when you stand back the images appear.  My drawings are not on the same scale as his are, but are similar in the way that they evolve.



Digital Image of Drawing & Photo



This drunk little guy is Hobo Alien Mouse.  He started as a doodle (in a meeting, obviously) and then got scanned into my files.  I had taken the background picture while walking around in Northampton, MA. and combined them for this picture.  He may have his vices, but is in search of change… or he just happened to sit down there and was not able to get back up.



Digital Image of Drawing & Photo


If you know who Rob Machado (my half brother, I think) is then this might remind you of him.  It reminded me of him and that is why I call this piece Drifter.  Rob starred in the movie The Drifter as himself and for a surfer playing a surfer did a great job.  If you haven’t seen it it’s worth the time in my opinion.  Anyways, if anyone out there knows Rob and sees this, I ask that you share it with him and let him know that I am still in search of and want to meet my half brother.

HeaDS uP


Digital Image of Drawing & Photo



Who is that?  Is that you?  Is it me?  Anyone that draws faces a lot will encounter these questions at some point.  Right Kev?  I love to draw faces.  Not real faces, just faces that pop into my head.  Maybe they are a part of my subconscious or something, but they always keep coming up and they speak to me.  Rocka is one of them and is set over a photo that I took of a concrete wall.  I’m sure there will be more of these to come.