EYE of the STORM

48″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Canvas



In the eye of the storm through the holes in my head. Black and white mixes pulling on threads. The good and the evil tugging at me. The internal fight over who I should be. A darkness a chaos hovering up above. Kicking and screaming, give me a shove. Into deep black in the eye of the storm. How long will this last, will I be reborn? When this madness all ends and I see the white light. I’m grabbing and clawing, fighting the good fight. Head raised up high and breaking on through. I know who I am… and what I should do.







8.5″ x 11″ Marker on Watercolor Paper & 8.5″ x 11″ Watercolor on Paper 

Sophia’s World is inspired by my 4 year old niece Sophia (Sophie).  With my collection of Sharpie & Prismacolor markers I tried to put my own twist on Sophie’s creation.  When my version was presented to her she simply asked, “why he do that?”  I think she felt kind of ripped off.  I thought it was a cool idea, but I’ll have to check with Sophie first next time.  Mine is the one on the left, in case you were wondering.

a FeW MoRe NaiLS






18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Wood

Yes, there are really no curves.  Well there are, but none of the materials used are curved.  Each strand of hemp is brought from point A to point B to create the illusion of curved lines.  I believe I was taught this design in an elementary school art class, but it was done on paper then.  I wanted to bring the design to life in a more physical way.

FouR iTeMS


24″ x 36″ Mixed Media on Canvas



Spools & Nails was made with four items.  A spool of thread, a nail, a cardboard tube and a square piece of metal were all brought together for this piece.  Nicole said if she saw this in IKEA she would buy it, but we already have it so, it’s hanging in the living room.  Maybe I’ll pitch the idea to IKEA and everyboby can have one.

a TRiBuTe To BaSQuiaT


Sharpie on Adidas

Jean-Michel Basquiat is one of my favorite artists of all time.  One may look at his work and say, “that is not art.”  Yeah, well you know, uh, that’s just like… your opinion man.  I love his style and that he made what he wanted to make.  He could have painted a bunch of “perfect” looking pieces and maybe they would have made it onto some hotel room walls, but he didn’t.  Basquiat painted some perfect pieces and took the art world by the throat.  This is my tribute to him.

DooDLe Me THiS


8.5″ x 11″ Ballpoint Pen on Paper



I get a lot of my ideas when I doodle.  This may seem like a bit more than just a doodle, but really it’s not.  I made this at several of the airports while K-Lee and I were waiting… and waiting… and… you guessed it, waiting… to get on our flights to and from North Carolina.  A cancelled flight and many delays later I was done doodling and we finally made it home.

HaPPy NeW YeaR


48″ x 60″ Mixed Media on Canvas



It’s finally here. 01.01.12.  Day one out of 365.  I want to start with a bang and hope this keeps everyone interested in what’s to come.  This is my fireworks show to get things going for this year.  Hope everyone has a safe and healthy 2012.

BOOM! pop! CRACKLE! pow! The sounds in the ground that gotta get out. The flowers are ready and they wanna go. Grow up in your face for the fireworks show. They only explode whan the timing is right. Poppin’ up from the ground to light up the night. Never in your life will you see such a sight. Something to cherish for the rest of your life.

SNeaK PeeK


18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Canvas



So, I couldn’t wait till the 1st of the year and didn’t think it would be fair to everyone that has been waiting either.  PORTUGUESE ROOSTER is dedicated to my mother’s side of the family (I love you all) and was won by my cousin Cheryl in the grab bag at our annual Christmas Eve party. It took quite a few years (I won’t say how many) for cousin Cheryl to get the first pick in the grab bag and she said it was worth the wait. Consider this a holiday gift to everyone and a preview of some things to come for 2012. Enjoy!