FiLL ‘eM iN



11″ x 15″ Markers on Watercolor Paper


I only see yo——-> in shades of gray. The memo——–> all seem so far away. You had be——->  for quite a while. With that w—–> with that smile. A certain ——-> in your eyes. A certain ——-> in your stare. You gave it ——-> across the room. You gave ——->hen you flipped your hair. ——-> time could be put into reverse. ——-> there ——-> time to rehearse, ——-> it all ——-> out the same? ——->ou ——-> my face and no——->  The love w——->h care? Were ——->red with yo——->nough? The ——->een part of ——->ust have been ——->u’ve se——-> of my life. ——-> for t——->. ——-> it ever really mean to be?  There’s always going to be something new or something better suited for you. Well wishes as you head ———->