183 DaYS oF aRT


I am humbled.  No fancy show, no high praise, no galleries calling.  I am humbled.  A few nice events, few great articles, 183 pieces of art.  I am humbled.  I knew going into this that it would be a challenge.  I knew it would eat up most of my free time.  I knew it would be worth it.  I didn’t realize how worth it it would be.  This first 6 months have been some of the most rewarding in life.  I have met new people, received great response and been more creative than I could ever imagine.  I have been given donations by the cart-full, for which I am very thankful.  I have sent a piece across the country to a fan (who won it by naming it) and it now hangs in his living room.  I have read numerous emails inquiring about pricing, lessons and commissions.  I… I… I… this project has started to become less about me as it has gone on.  It has become the start of people’s days.  It has become something to look forward to.  Something to share.  Something to invest in.  Something to be thankful for.

Thank you to my beautiful wife, Nicole, for supporting me during this adventure.  You are my backbone and without you none of this would be possible.  To my cousin Liz who has been there from day one on the site and FB page, has donated materials and who has been patient in waiting for a promised painting that I have yet to make (I didn’t forget).  To K-Lee who has shared this with so many friends and been there to give the not so obvious comments.  To Mark Bodley for pumping up my ego with his four page texts and hour long phone conversations that are filled with ideas and dreams.  To the Enfield Square for letting me use the center of the mall to put on a one day show for people to see and for donating a boatload of paint to the project.  To my work peeps for letting me “steal” materials and helping with the site.  To everyone on FB who were my PR team, hit the LIKE button, hit the SHARE button and that have kept coming back to see more.  To my parents for putting in the time way back in the day to create me, I love you both.  To my unborn child, you are the inspiration that will carry me to see this project to the end.  You are now a part of this and you don’t even know it.  You are a masterpiece in the works and will be more than this project will ever be.  I thought this project and my work would be my legacy left to this planet, but you will be the best creation I will ever be a part of, will ever see and will ever love.

Well,  I’ve got some work left to do…

HeRe We Go Yo


7″ x 16″ Mixed Media on Wood

Flower Flow yo, Flower Flow yo.  So what so what so what’s the scenario.  Flower Flow yo, Flower Flow yo.  So what so what so what’s the scenario.  Aiyyo, mijumi knows this (what?) and mijumi knows that (what?).  mijumi don’t know jack, cause mijumi can’t rap.  Well whaddya know?  The Flower is first up to bat.  No batteries included and no strings attached.  Flow holds barred, no time for move fakin’. Gots to get the loot so I can make some more paintin’.  Others front, they say the Flower can’t Flow.  But mijumi’s been known to do the impossible like Tim Tebow so…  ~ mijumi version of Tribe Called Quest