8.5″ x 11″ Sharpie on Cardboard
All we need is love and love is all we need. Kiss me tonight like I won’t wake up from sleep. Kiss me tonight like you don’t want me to leave. Kiss me tonight like I’m never going to breathe. All we need is love and love is all we need. Walk with me forever like there’s no one on the street. Walk with me into the future like no one else exists. Walk with me forever our hands together as one fist. All we need is love and love is all we need. See me in your arms and hold me in your dreams. See me in your dreams turned to something true. See me in your forevers and I’ll do the same for you.
Really love this one , as I do Almost all of them, please send info;) thanks peace
Hi Alison,
Thanks for your interest in my art. I love seeing the comments and
I’m selling this drawing for $75 as
likes from everyone, it is very motivating. You wouldn’t think it at
first, but more time goes into the drawings than the paintings. A lot of
little details ya know
is(unframed). That one is about 8.5″w x 11″h.
Anyways, if you are still interested let me know…