Do You See C u






24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

For some reason some of my paintings remind me of storms.  Snow storms or rain storms either gently falling flakes or with drops fiercely exploding.  I liked the colors in the Radiating Beauty painting and got pretty good feed back so, I wanted to try something different with similar colors.  I used some half circle tubes in this one.  That’s where the C and U come from.  The storm is coming…

i LoVe THe 80’s


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood

Gremlins, Goonies & Ghostbusters.  Growing Pains, Punky Brewster & Voltron.  Hammer Pants, tight rolled jeans & Jams shorts.  Samba Classics, white high-top sneakers & Patrick Ewings.  Getting a flat-top with a fade, lines on the sides & shaving the Nike flight symbol into the back of my head.  Those were the 80’s for me.  What were yours…?

LiFe DaY 3


24″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Wood



Is it pre-determined?  Is it all a matter of chance?  Does everything happen for a reason?  Why do the good ones have to die young?  He lived to be 100 years old and ate oatmeal everyday.  She was only 13 and had the whole world ahead of her.  I can’t believe he’s gone.  It seems like only yesterday.  Do we all have our own life cycles?  Is it written?  Can we break the cycle?  Can we change the future?



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Wood


I did what?  No way, not me.  I’d never do that.  Oh you did it.  All over the floor.  What?  Yeah, they came over and grabbed the back of your collar and dragged you out.  No way!  I swear on anything.  Oh my god, I don’t even remember that.  It was pretty crazy.  Man, I’m never drinking again.  Heard that before.

GiRaFFe + DooR


24″ x 84″ Mixed Media on Door

A skinny tall door was the perfect place for this giraffe like pattern.  So, Giraffadoor was born.  I like painting on doors now.  They are a good size canvas and there are always people on Craig’s List getting rid of them.  If anyone has any extra doors layin’ around let me know.



22″ x 24″ Aerosol on Wood



My wife thinks that I’m making art with celebrities on it so that I can end up meeting them.  That might not be a bad idea.  Thanks wife.  It’s not part of the plan, but if any of these find their way into a celeb’s hands it couldn’t hurt in helping the cause.  Rosario is my second choice anyways, so she’s got nothing to worry about.



24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


This one is kinda cool.  Not that it is one of my favorites that I have made so far, but because it is on video.  Yes, that’s right.  Click here for the time lapse:  Olive Loaf Time Lapse.  Olive Loaf is brought to you by Kevin Lee Studios.

Be PaTieNT


24″ x 44″ Mixed Media on Wood

Sometimes surfing is a waiting game.  The ocean can be as flat as glass or crazy rough with waves coming from all directions.  But we wait.  We wait.  And we wait some more.  Because even if we only ride one wave that day, it make that day a whole lot better.



24″ x 36″ Mixed Media on Wood


Rob Machado is not just some “surfer dude” who hangs out in the water all day getting stoked on waves man.  He is a person that cares about the environment and helping people.  His foundation provides funding for educational programs focused on helping children understand their contribution towards a healthy earth (RMF).  So, next time you think that these guys are just a bunch of beach bums, think again.  Most of them care about this planet we live on and are trying to help preserve it.



48″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


Is there a Jesus?  Is there a God?  Is there nothing?  I like to believe that there is some sort of higher power out there.  I’m not sure who or what it is or what to even call it, but I like the sound of God.  I like the religious stories that have been passed down through time.  I don’t think Lil’ Wayne is Jesus or God, but who am I to say.  What if God is in all of us at some time or another?  What if he/she just jumps from one body to the next?  Maybe that is how people become “God-like”.  Maybe that is when people actually reach their full potential.

GooD ViBeS


24″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Wood


Rastaman Vibrations… Positive!  I felt like this title was an appropriate name seeing how I’ve got the Rasta colors (green, yellow, red) in it and they seem to be vibrating out.  The Rastaman is casting his spell of positive vibes to all… negative thinking.. don’t you waste your thoughts!



48″ x 96″ Mixed Media on Wood


This is the largest painting I have made so far.  The more I paint the more I enjoy working on larger scale pieces.  They do take way more time and probably don’t suit what I’m trying to accomplish, but I can’t get enough.  I guess it’s a win win either way.



12″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Wood


My favorite part of this painting are all of the dots that cover it.  At first there were zero dots and just the reds and blues.  Then I found a board with holes in it, laid it over the panel and spray painted in some light yellow dots.  Still not enough.  So, I covered it with a bunch of white dots and started to like it a lot more.  I wanted to put more, but didn’t want to get too carried away.

JuST oNe


36″ x 60″ Mixed Media on Wood


It’s funny to me when I finally figure out when a painting is finished.  I could have stopped a few times (and did) and it would have looked alright, but I wanted more than alright.  Sometimes I want to make something that has the viewer ask why.  Why did he put that orange spot there?  The orange spot was just the thing I needed to call this one done.