TaKe a LiTTLe TRiP






mijumi TRIP T

Mixed Media on Fabric


If you’ve seen some of the photos on the site then you might recognize this shirt.  It is my original painting t-shirt from when the project began back in January.  Well, it has now been retired and immortalized on the front of another shirt.  Hand stitched by mijumi himself.  Don’t ask me to hem your pants though.

WeaR MiJuMi

mijumi LIFE T

Mixed Media on Fabric



Sometimes it’s not enough to have your art hanging on the wall.  Sometimes you want to show it to the world in a different way.  Why not wear it?  The mijumi Life T is one of two shirts I made and sent to my brother Matt (click here for a Matt story) for Christmas.  Hey, I have to have some sort of representation down south.