48″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Burlap



We never had much money growing up.  My brothers and I had to be on the reduced lunch plan at school.  One time we didn’t even have oil to heat the house on Christmas.  I got mad once because I hated the factory job she had to work.  But now, none of that stuff really ever mattered.  We had each other.  We had our health.  We had our mama’s “quilt” wrapped around us so tight that nothing could hurt us.  So, tomorrow don’t forget to pay tribute to mom.  I love you mom…

ToP o’ THe BoX To Ya






48″ x 48″ Mixed Media on Burlap


Tissue boxes and burlap.  I see the tops of tissue boxes.  But the tops of tissue boxes are not or cannot be art right?  I think they can.  Burlap.  Say it again… burlap.  Now look at it.  Burlap.  It doesn’t look like a word anymore.  Well it is and I’ve got a bunch of it to use as my canvas.  I like the texture of burlap.  Kinda vintage or natural looking.  Bur-lap. Burlap. B u r l a p.