iN LiFe


10″ x 10″ Mixed Media on Paper



Why are we all here in the universe?  Why are some people more well-off than others?  Why can I make art?  Why can’t I stop making art?  Why aren’t all people good?  The list of life’s questions goes on for eternity and we’re all here trying to figure them out.  Don’t worry… about a thing… cuz… you know the rest, I think :)

i See You


8.5″ x 11″ Pen on Paper & Digital Image

I was sitting and relaxing in the hotel room in Asheville, NC after filming a wedding and staring at this picture on the wall from across the room.  I knew it was a picture of flowers, but from where I was sitting I saw something much different.  I saw a monkey.  So, I start sketching him out.  The petals were his ear & leg and the space between the petals were his eyes & body.  I still see him in the flowers every time I look.



10″ x 10″ Mixed Media on Paper

This is my hand.  This is my drawing.  This hand drew this man.  I dipped this hand down into the paint and pressed it against the paper.  After it was dry I drew this man over it.  The letter “y” means “and” in Spanish.  Hence the name Handyman (hand y man).  Hand and man.  I guess I could have went with Manoyhombre as well.

CaN i GeT a ToY?


8.5″ x 11″ Pen on Cardboard



I ran out of lined paper in my pad and was left with the cardboard backer.  These are some of the doodles I came up with for the backer while on a few breaks at work.  I think my friend Todd is in the background.  A toilet shoots out designs.  There are some old school toys like the paddle ball, a mask and top.  Kids these days, they don’t know what they’re missing out on.



8.5″ x 11″ Sharpie on Water Color Paper



I’ve been carrying my sketch pad around a lot lately.  So, while at Panera Bread I decided to try and draw something in the time it took to finish my coffee.  This bunch of scribbles is what I came up with.  Don’t let the Mookie in the corner fool you, it’s one of my nicknames.  Oh yeah… don’t forget to change your clocks, unless the “world” has already done it for you.


Do You VooDoo?


9″ x 12″ Marker & Pen



Don’t worry… about a thing… cuz every little thing… gonna be alright.  Even as a voodoo style drawing Mr. Marley still looks pretty cool.  Listening to his music gets me thinking about what I want my “legacy” to be.  What will I leave behind for people to remember me by when I’m gone?  Maybe that is what this project is about.  It’s allowing me to tap into my creativity and leave some sort of lasting impression and/or inspiration to people.  Only Time Will Tell




8.5″ x 11″ Pen on Notebook Paper



This could be fun.  I don’t know what to say about this one so I’m going to need your help.  I will replace the text here with your words for it.  Submit them on the ideas page to be included.  Make sure you write Wizocerous somewhere in your submission.  Good luck…



Digital Image of Drawing & Photo


I’m really getting into making these faces.  I love that they are simple shapes all meshed together to create something.  It’s kind of how Chuck Close works.  By no means am I comparing myself to Chuck.  His work is simple shapes up close and then when you stand back the images appear.  My drawings are not on the same scale as his are, but are similar in the way that they evolve.



Digital Image of Drawing & Photo



This drunk little guy is Hobo Alien Mouse.  He started as a doodle (in a meeting, obviously) and then got scanned into my files.  I had taken the background picture while walking around in Northampton, MA. and combined them for this picture.  He may have his vices, but is in search of change… or he just happened to sit down there and was not able to get back up.

GoiNG uP

UP and UP

8.5″ x 11″ Marker on Watercolor Paper



Those of you that are familiar with Keith Haring will probably think that this drawing resembles his work.  Those of you that like his work will probably like this drawing.  Those of you that are still reading this are probably wondering how many more times I will write “those of you” or “probably” in this paragraph.  I’ll probably only write those of you this last time.



8.5″ x 11″ Pen on Paper



Another meeting at work and an artist named Sam Flores brought me this masked man.  Sam is a true master at what he creates.  He draws and paints people with masks in some of his work and I was inspired by it.  I love the way these drawings come out and will probably try painting one in the future.