

22″ x 28″ Mixed Media on Canvas



They have to be out there somewhere, who ever they are.  I should know.  I was just about finished with this painting and woke up the next day to find these lime green markings on it.  I know I locked up the studio the night before.  What are they trying to say?  Is this their way of communicating?

STaTe oF My MiND


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper



What is everyone so worried about?  Life?  Life goes on and on and on and…  Think about the hardest part of your day today and realize it isn’t really that hard at all.  Someone out there has got it way worse than you do.  People are dying of hunger while others honk their horns in line at the drive-thru because the service isn’t fast enough.  Back off the horn and calm down a little.  Calm is a state of mind, the state of my mine.



16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas


Are we born not knowing, are we born knowing all?  We growing wiser, are we just growing tall?  Can you read thoughts?  Can you read palms?  Can you  predict the future? can you see storms, coming?  The Earth was flat if you went too far you would fall off.  Now the Earth is round if the shape change again everybody woulda start laugh.  The average man can’t prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of. And still won’t research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of.  Scholars teach in Universities and claim that they’re smart and cunning.  Tell them find a cure when we sneeze and that’s when their nose start running.  And the rich get stitched up, when we get cut Man a heal dem broken bones in the bush with the wet mud.  Can you  read signs?  Can you read stars?  Can you make peace?  Can you fight war?  Can you milk cows, even though you drive cars? Huh, can you survive… Against All Odds, Now?  ~ Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley / Patience





mijumi Gunner T

Mixed Media on Fabric



I have t-shirts I wear while I am working that I wipe excess paint on.   This one had reached its limit and was ready to be made into something else.  I trimmed a circle out of it and bought a fresh white t-shirt.  Then I hand stitched the design onto the new shirt.  Pretty cool, huh?  If you think that is cool, listen to the next part of this story.  *I got a hold of Mike Tyson’s mailing address (with some good stalker… I mean PR work) and sent him the shirt.  I stuck a note inside that asked if he would take a photo wearing my shirt (if he liked it) and email it back to me for the site.  Well, I received an email back with the picture above!  How cool is that?  * I made the t-shirt, but the Tyson part is all made up… it would make for a weird story, maybe I’ll give it a shot…



36″ x 48″ Crayon on Canvas

If you happened to make it to the Enfield Square event in April then you might have seen this piece while it was being made.  A lot of crayons and a lot of patience went into this one.  What made it even better were all of the smiling faces watching the dripping crayons race down the canvas.  I think there might have been a few new crayon melters born that day.



Aerosol on Fabric



“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”  ~Jah Rastafari



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Paper



I want to live in the sea.  I want to be a small fish and travel the world with my family and pack of good friends.  There’d be no jobs or house/yard work and we’d eat our meals along the journeys.  We’d get to see so many cool places and meet other schools from around the world.  They would tell us where they’ve been and what they’ve seen.  I want to be free in the ocean drifting around with nothing to worry about.



16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas


What if rain drops were square instead of round?  Would they fall and collapse the way that they do now?  Would the oceans, rivers and puddles still look the same?  What kind of cup would you drink from?  Would you need a new kind of windshield wipers?  Would we all need to buy a different kind of umbrella?

JuST a DooR


32″ x 84″ Mixed Media on Door

This is just a door.  It has hinges and a knob just like every other door.  It is made of wood.  It opens and closes.  It keeps things out and lets things in.  It locks for protection.  It unlocks to greet.  But,  this door didn’t want to be normal.  It is showing all the other doors what its really wants to be, what it is on the inside.  It went and got some artwork done to express itself.  It’s no normal door anymore.  This door is unique.  It is strong.  It is powerful.  This door will blow your doors off.  This door is…

oN THe iNSiDe


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor



We all go through some good times and some bad times.  We all have a story to tell.  We all build the world around us to fit to our vision of how life should be.  We are all capable of greatness.  What happens based on our decisions is left to the world to decide.  Who do you want to be?  What are your dreams?  What is your story?  Wake up and live…



18″ x 24″ Mixed Media on Wood


I did what?  No way, not me.  I’d never do that.  Oh you did it.  All over the floor.  What?  Yeah, they came over and grabbed the back of your collar and dragged you out.  No way!  I swear on anything.  Oh my god, I don’t even remember that.  It was pretty crazy.  Man, I’m never drinking again.  Heard that before.

oNe LuCKy WiNNeR


16″ x 20″ Mixed Media on Canvas



There’s a battle going on.  Millions of soldiers march with fury in the pursuit of one goal.  Many will die along the way and only one will be strong enough to get beyond the outer walls of the fort.  Good luck brave soldiers.  Fight hard, be strong and remember… this is for the greater good of the world.



9″ x 12″ Digital Image



Walk by my side, not ahead, not behind.  Stand in love with me forever and I promise I’ll do the same.  We were brought together by the universe for a reason.  With fires lit to brighten each other’s paths.  You are the one I’ve found in the past, have found in this present and will find again in the future.  Our life cycles will always meet and our love will live forever.  We will create the most beautiful fire that time has ever known.

FouND You


11″ x 15″ Prismacolor Markers on Watercolor


Hello love, I’m so glad I found you.  You’ve been hiding on me for a while.  I hope you stick around this time, because I really like it when you’re here.  I know you’ve got a lot of people to take care of in this world and you’re doing such a great job at it.  I just hope we’re all doing good… at taking care of you.